My interest in photography already exists within me for so long ... due to my work tight working schedule, so I had to put it away for a while, but now everything come back after a few weeks ago I have some extra time to spend with it..
Here's my eye's of moment that i bought it last week. It's a Canon EOS 550D. It's good start for a new entry like me.. Very hard to make choice interm of quality.. Some says Nikon...Some says Canon...
After get advice from my sister, I've choose Canon...Want to know why??? Because she said Canon...hahahah

Rite now I'm only using provided EF-S 18-55 IS lens. Will get another lens for a longer range. For me, this 18-55 lens already give me full satisfaction. Very sharp and beautiful photo. I love to take a landscape scene and yes I need a longer range and wider view lens..But I need to learn more about lens...Maybe some of you guys can give me advice on what suit for me...
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